Today is opening day of Pacific Marine Expo and much of the National Fisherman team is on the show floor in Seattle. Every year we look forward to this opportunity to connect with our readers and participate in conferences and events. For a preview of the show, here's a slideshow of photos from last year's expo. 

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Jason Crawford (left) of Mustang Survival has Troy Rentz of Seattle demonstrate an inflatable PFD at the conference on regulations and repacking inflatables.





Michael Hoskins, a marine inspector at the USCG Puget Sound, takes a look at gear in the Guy Cotten booth.



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Former NF Highliner Clem Tillion (right) talks with author Vaughn Sherman about his book Sea Travels in the Author’s Corner.



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Johan Sperling earned a Next Wave award for his design of the innovative Northern Leader.



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NF Editor Jessica Hathaway presents Rick Martin, a marine surveyor from Wrangell, Alaska, a $500 American Express gift card he won in a daily raffle among people who pre-register for the Expo.



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Jennifer Karuza Schile (speaking), Robin Blue, and Lori French told audience members what it’s like to be a fisherman’s wife and how they promote and educate people on the commercial fishing life.



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A crowded show floor.

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A collection of stories from guest authors.

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