Each day, our editors scour news outlets from across the nation and the globe to find and share with you the most interesting and most relevant stories about commercial fishing. We update our site each morning with the latest news on regulations, sustainability and market trends -- everything you need to make informed decisions about your business.

But we know it's not always possible for those who work at sea to check in with us daily.  So here's a handy list of the 10 most-read online news stories from the past 30 days. 

Top 10 stories in November

1. Photos: Ready for Dungeness season

2. Coast Guard rescues boat disabled for 35 hours

3. Watermen: Striped bass are eating the crab

4. Lobstermen pull up rare calico lobster

5. Fla. judge overturns ban on gillnet fishing

6. Fishermen save orca stranded on rocks

7. First hatchery-reared king crab released

8. Crab vs. clam: A battle to the death

9. Dungie season opens amid new regulations

10. Could dogfish save New England fishing?


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