Vancouver, Wash.  — The proposed 2014 ocean salmon seasons announced by the Pacific Fishery Management Council recently include good news for both sport anglers and commercial troll salmon fishermen off the Oregon Coast.


Recreational and commercial troll Chinook salmon fishing this year looks to vary from good to great based on forecasted adult returns destined for key river basins of the Columbia River, the Central Valley in California, and the Klamath River. 


Although fishery managers are forecasting returns to the Central Valley and Klamath River fall Chinook to be well below the 2013 totals, they should be abundant enough to result in good Chinook catches along the entire Oregon Coast. 


Managers are predicting tremendous runs of Chinook are forecast to return to the Columbia River later this summer, and this should provide for some great fishing both in the ocean and the Columbia River in August.


Read the full story at the Daily Astorian>>

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