Viewers of the new Discovery Channel show, "Deadliest Catch: Dungeon Cove" will see Newport's Gary and Kenny Ripka on familiar turf, as captains of Dungeness crab fishing vessels. But on Monday, the father-son fishermen were busy with the kinds of activities that come along with launching a brand-new TV show.

The pair were in New York, amid a publicity tour to promote the Oregon-filmed spinoff of "Deadliest Catch," the longtime Discovery hit show about crab fishermen sailing the Bering Sea.

"We just got done shooting a live Yahoo Facebook" chat, Gary Ripka said on Monday in a telephone interview. "They've got us doing a lot of different things."

"This is our first time in New York," Gary's son, Kenny, said, adding that they were also scheduled to do a taping of the "Steve Harvey" show, in Chicago this week. 

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