SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ — On Friday, the Calif. State Senate gave final legislative approval to Senate Bill 1138. The bill, by Senator Alex Padilla (D-Pacoima), addresses the growing problem of seafood mislabeling. The bill now goes to Governor Brown for his consideration.


“SB 1138 addresses the growing problem of seafood mislabeling by making sure that seafood is labeled accurately. Mislabeled seafood threatens public health, honest businesses and imperils the sustainability of sea life in the Pacific Ocean and oceans around the world,” said Senator Alex Padilla. “My bill will ensure that seafood is labeled accurately,” added Padilla.


“The seafood we buy at the grocery store should be what the label says. The seafood we order at our favorite restaurant should be the seafood we are served,” said Senator Padilla. “To protect our health, oceans, and economy, it is essential that seafood be accurately labeled,” said Padilla. “Honesty is always the best policy,” added Padilla.


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