When Amanda West Reade was pregnant with her now two-year-old son, she started eating farmed salmon. As a vegetarian, she knew that getting enough protein, omega-3s, and folic acid to boost her growing baby's development might be tricky.

"My doctor listed a few meal ideas and I thought I could handle the salmon," says Reade. "She said to lean more towards farmed salmon because it was higher in omega-3s."

Reade followed her doctor's advice and added farmed salmon to her diet three times a week. "It became something I really craved," she says.

Long-chain omega-3 fatty acids are good for the brain and eye development of growing babies and salmon has been a go-to meal for those looking for a reliable a low-mercury fish source. When it comes to omega-3 fatty acids, the message is the clear: All salmon is a good choice.

But that might soon change. A piece of farmed salmon today may contain as little as half the amount of omega-3s than it did a decade ago.

Read the full story at Time>>

Want to read more about salmon health benefits? Click here...

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