This year’s sockeye run to Bristol Bay has exceeded the preseason forecast and 2 of the organizations that follow the run are projecting that there are several million fish still to come.
Catches spiked again at the Port Moller Test Fishery on Tuesday. Another 265-sockeye were caught. That’s the largest daily catch since the first peak was detected on June 23rd. The catch at station 2 was just 23-fish but the catch at station 4 was 35-sockeye. The catch at station 6 was 60-sockeye and the catch at station 8 was 98 fish. The catch at station 10 was 49. Tuesday’s fishing effort produced a daily replacement index number of 52. That’s the highest daily number since the 52 recorded back on June 23rd. The daily traditional index number was 106. Fisheries scientist Scott Raborn works for the Bristol Bay Science and Research Institute, which runs the Port Moller Test Fishery. He’s leaving the previous in-season run projection in place with the note that the next 2 days will inform how to interpret the remaining catches at the test fishery. The BBSRI in-season run forecast is 38.3-million. The pre-season forecast was 26.58. The sockeye run has already topped that mark.
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