RAROTONGA, Cook Islands (Cook Islands News, Oct. 11, 2014) – Ministry of Marine Resources Secretary Ben Ponia says a tuna fishing deal hammered out between Pacific Nations and the United States could provide a significant boost in local fisheries revenues.

This week, officials from both sides secured a deal in the final moments of a three-day negotiating session in Hawaii.

Under the deal, the 17 member countries of the Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Agency will receive $90 million from the US government and the nation's tuna industry in return for 8,300 fishing days in 2015.

Ponia said the agreement represents better value for the region and its fishery – said to be the source for over 60 per cent of global tuna catches – much of it caught by distant water fishing nations such as Spain, Taiwan, Japan, and the US.

Read the full story at Pacific Islands Report>>

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