As you’re out shopping this holiday season, someone wielding a clipboard might approach you and ask if you want to save king salmon. Don’t be fooled. The petition being peddled by professional signature collectors throughout the state won’t save Alaska’s iconic king salmon. In fact, it will hurt our great salmon runs and result in smaller harvests for everyone except a small group of Kenai River sportfishing guides, lodges and private landowners. 


The goal of this petition is to put a misleading initiative in front of Alaska voters that, if passed, would end setnet fishing in Cook Inlet, put hundreds of Alaska families out of work, destroy one of the Kenai Peninsula’s biggest economic drivers and, most significantly, weaken the salmon runs on which Cook Inlet’s commercial, sport and personal-use fishermen depend.


Initiative sponsors claim conservation as their goal, but this initiative isn’t about saving fish, it’s about putting more king salmon in the river for the sport fishery to catch.  


That’s not conservation. It’s greed.


Read the full story at the Alaska Dispatch>>

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