A private investment group is collaborating with Hubbs-SeaWorld Research Institute to establish an innovative fish farm in federal waters off the San Diego coast.


Rose Canyon Fisheries, a collaboration between Hubbs-SeaWorld and Cuna del Mar, has applied for permits from a series of state and federal agencies to open the first commercial operation of its kind in the United States’ exclusive economic zone.


The farm would use innovative cages to raise yellowtail jack, white seabass and striped bass in an area 4 1/2 miles west of Mission Beach.


“Globally, wild fisheries are reaching their limits,” said Don Kent, president and CEO of Hubbs-SeaWorld and acting CEO of Rose Canyon Fisheries.  “With the U.S. seafood demand projected to increase by another two million metric tons within the next decade, all signs point to the need develop economically and environmentally sustainable domestic aquaculture.”


Read the full story at Times of San Diego>>


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