The 40th Annual ComFish trade show in Kodiak, Alaska, highlights several ways to offer your support for the protection of Alaska’s largest and most valuable wild salmon fishery.

Kick the show off right tonight, March 28, at the Bristol Bay Fishermen’s Happy Hour. It starts at 6 p.m. at Kodiak Island Brewing Co. Commercial Fishermen for Bristol Bay will give an update on the Pebble Mine permitting process and how you can add your voice to the public comment period. Be one of the first 30 to arrive to get a drink token.

On Friday, March 29, Commercial Fishermen for Bristol Bay will host a presentation on the Pebble Tailings Dam Failure in the Harbor Room at the Best Western Kodiak Inn.

Several Bristol Bay fishermen, technical consultants and CFBB representatives will be available throughout the show. Visit Commercial Fishermen for Bristol Bay in Booth 9 on the Main Floor upstairs.

Don't forget to swing by and see National Fisherman the first booth on the Main Floor upstairs!

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