It may sound like a tall order: By 2020, the U.N. Sustainable Development Goal for oceans calls on the world to "manage and protect marine and coastal ecosystems...effectively regulate harvesting...end overfishing...restore fish stocks in the shortest time feasible...[and] produce maximum sustainable yield."

Can we really meet those targets in five years? I believe we can. Promising signs, backed by groundbreaking research, show how quickly we can replenish the world's seas while providing enough seafood to feed an additional 600 million people at today's per capita consumption rate -- if we get the incentives right.

The stakes keep rising. Forty percent of the global population live within 60 miles of salt water. Many small coastal communities rely on ocean fisheries, which add $270 billion to global GDP, support 260 million livelihoods, and provide protein for nearly 3 billion people. Meanwhile, acidification, pollution, rising tides, and overfishing converge to undermine seafood harvests. Unless we reverse this spiral, we face a serious food crisis.

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