DILLINGHAM: Fishing continues for Togiak herring, as the gill netters remain open until further notice and the purse seiners are open for another 48 hours through 10:00 pm Friday.

The gillnetters catch is confidential, as there are only two buyers. On Tuesday the purse seiners harvested 1,557 tons, bringing their season total just past 12,370 tons. Seiners are more than halfway to their season quota of 20,309 tons. Fish and Game reported the average herring weight dropped slightly to 393 grams, but the roe average is still 11.2 percent.

The Department also reported several areas of deadloss during an aerial survey Tuesday. Deadloss, said area manager Tim Sands, speaking Wednesday, is herring that have been caught by seiners but dumped prior to being pumped on board the tender.

"We see it as piles of dead fish on the bottom. You can see it because it's a big white or shiny area, and a lot of times there are a lot of birds or sea lions working on it," said Sands.

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