National Fisherman's 2008 Highliners

We've never sat down and tried to come up with a creed for National Fisherman Highliners, but something along the order of "whatever it takes" or perhaps, "rising to the occasion," might fill the bill.

The Highliners I've known don't preach in lofty terms or set themselves apart from other fishermen. If anything, it's their involvement with fishermen and their communities and their willingness to take action that sets them apart.

Rodney Avila's commitment to safety has paid off, not so much in accolades, but in lives saved.

Tilman Gray remains in the arena, battling for fishing communities, despite his frustrations with the system.

And Craig Pendleton has shown that in the era of growing public awareness of the ocean and its ecosystems, partnerships with diverse interests are a crucial component of survival. — Jerry Fraser

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