PORTLAND — When Marianna Tracy first went lobstering 15 years ago on Cliff Island, she knew she'd found her calling.

"I just loved it, I tried it one day when I moved to the island and I fell in love with being on the water," Tracy said last week.


She said she went out for the first time with the teacher at the island school, and then the following season he asked her to come back.


"I did a couple winters with him and then I went full time," Tracy said.


She said being her own boss and being outside made her feel "at home on the water."


Now Tracy, 46, is trying to raise $15,000 on Kickstarter to launch her own commercial lobstering business. She has raised more than $7,500 in the effort to become one the few hundred Maine women working in commercial lobstering.


Read the full story at Sun Journal>>

Want to read more about Maine lobstering? Click here

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