BOSTON — After more than five years of having its practices audited by outside observers, Maine's lobster industry officially has achieved a status that it hopes will help boost demand and prices for its product.

Maine Gov. Paul LePage, attending the annual International Boston Seafood Show, announced Sunday that the industry has been certified as "sustainable" by the London-based Marine Stewardship Council.

According to a prepared statement released by state officials, MSC certification of Maine's iconic lobster industry is expected to help with a new marketing push for the industry.

"The Marine Stewardship Council is the premier international certification program for wild-capture fisheries," Maine Department of Marine Resources officials wrote in the statement. "MSC certification is the only seafood certification program that meets all the major international standards on sustainable fishing, ecosystem protection, and eco-labeling. Currently, more than 100 fisheries worldwide are MSC certified."

Read the full story at Bangor Daily News>>

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