STONINGTON, Maine — The head of the Maine Department of Marine Resources plans to suspend the license of an Orland lobsterman who is accused of keeping illegal lobsters and of molesting another fisherman’s gear, according to state officials.


Theodore Gray, 34, was charged May 9 after Marine Patrol officers found him in possession of 269 lobsters shorter than the minimum size limit, 123 breeding female lobsters that had been marked with a V-shaped notch on their tails, and 20 traps that belong to another licensed lobsterman, DMR officials have said. Gray fishes out of Stonington.


The commissioner of DMR has the authority to suspend a person’s fishing license for up to three years before there is a resolution of civil or criminal charges that person is facing in court, DMR officials indicated Tuesday in a prepared statement.


In the statement, DMR Commissioner Patrick Keliher said Gray’s case is one of “the most appalling violations of Maine’s lobster laws in decades” and that he has made it a top priority to bring it to resolution.


Read the full story at Bangor Daily News>>

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