Just 10% of Maine's lobster fishermen, selected randomly each year, are required to report landings and other data to the Department of Marine Resources.

They use good old pen and paper, the forms provided by the DMR.

In this digital age, that seems inefficient, says Susan Corbett, CEO of Axiom Technologies in Machias. In recent years, she and Axiom, a broadband provider, have worked to develop an online data collection system for lobster harvesters.

Now, Corbett has a new program in hand, called MAPOnline, and is seeking partners to further test its effectiveness and implement its distribution.

This project is just one piece of Corbett's Washington County Education and Employment through Sustainable Broadband Adoption Project, funded in 2010 by a $1.4 million federal grant and $445,448 in match funding.

Read the full story at Maine Biz>>

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