NEW BEDFORD — When Jon Broderick graduated from college in Seattle in 1976, he was interested in three things: Poetry, guitar and fishing.


So he headed out to Kodiak, Alaska, to have a Jack London-esque adventure in the Big Country.


He fell in love with fishing for salmon in the north Pacific — and then one day, he heard fisher-poetry pioneer Clem Stark read aloud. And everything clicked.


"I'd always been journaling, writing, playing guitar — but poetry, as far I could tell, was about love and romance. But most of our lives are spent working," said Broderick.


"With Clem Stark, here someone brought a poetic perspective to labor, and it was a breath of fresh air," said Broderick, a fisher-poet who lives on the Oregon coast and helped found the renowned annual FisherPoets Gathering in Astoria, Ore. in 1998.


Broderick is one of the fisher-poets and singers who will perform for SouthCoast students at local elementary, middle and high schools on Friday, Sept. 27 before their public performances at the annual Working Waterfront Festival on Saturday and Sunday.


Read the full story at Standard-Times>>

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