The bluefin tuna fishing off the coast of Cape Ann in the last half-dozen days has been — sorry, there’s no other word for it — wicked. As in wicked good. As in the best tuna bite in almost a decade.


Forget about the sea being angry, my friends. It’s been positively giddy through this bountiful run, generously offering up the big bluefin runners in vast numbers.


That was evident Tuesday, on a balmy, sun-splashed autumn afternoon, when boats were queued up outside Compass Seafood near the head of Harbor Cove, fishermen waiting their turn to unload their tuna catch so Patrick Mead could start wielding his chainsaw and knife in advance of the all-important trips to the scale.


“It’s been quite a few years since we’ve seen a run like this, probably nine or 10 years,” said Mead, owner of Compass, off Commercial Street.


Read the full story at Gloucester Times>>


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