A public hearing is being held Wednesday in Portland, Maine, about a fishery management plan for New England waters. The New England Fishery Management Council is working on a habitat management plan for federal waters from Maine to Rhode Island.

Fishery analyst Michelle Bachman said the proposed amendment is designed to ensure specific areas aren't being overfished, while minimizing harm to the fishery and improving protection for groundfish.

"This action is potentially changing where people can fish, so it would not change the total annual limit for cod or for shrimp. We are not changing those kinds of limits," she said.

But some fishermen are concerned about what their future holds. Fisherman Gary Libby said if officials force him to fish in other areas, there is no question that it will impact how much he catches.

"For me, I've done it all my life and to step away from it, this job is basically the only thing I have ever done. I have no work experience anywhere else, so to step away is pretty scary," said Libby.

Read the full story at WCSH>>

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