The United Fishermen of Alaska’s Board of Directors is meeting in Sitka this week.
President Jerry McCune says the board will work on priorities for legislative and government-agency action.
“We’re always looking for little tweaks in the (state) Division of Investments or things that would be more helpful to fishermen for their loans, especially with a lot of young folks getting online now,” McCune says. “That was one of the reasons we fought so hard to up the (loan) limit for permits to $200,000, because prices nowadays are a lot higher today than when it started out.”
The United Fishermen of Alaska is an umbrella organization of about 35 commercial fishing and processing groups.
McCune is also president of Cordova District Fishermen United.
He says the UFA board will discuss Alaska Board of Fisheries appointments. It’s been a hotbed of controversy over the balance among gear-group, subsistence and sport representatives.
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