A Japanese fisherman who lost everything in the 2011 earthquake and tsunami will visit B.C. on Monday to take a last ride in his fishing boat.

Its owner Kou Sasaki of Ofunato, will visit the tiny village of Klemtu, one of the places where debris from Japan washed up, after huge amounts of it landed all along the B.C. Coast.

"It's especially poignant because Mr. Sasaki lost his wife and son in the earthquake," said Tim McGrady, general manager of the Spirit Bear Lodge in Klemtu, who now has the boat.

"This is a community that lives and breathes boats, for thousands of years. So I think people have a real affinity for someone like Mr. Sasaki. There's a lot of common ground."

Read the full story at CBC News >>

Read more about the 2011 Tohoku tsunami >>

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