Amid the volcanic peaks and hot springs of southern Japan, something fishy is happening: caviar.

And not just any caviar. This roe -- kilogram upon kilogram of it -- is the result of an aquaculture experiment that began with sturgeon imported from the Soviet Union three decades ago. Now, for the first time, the eggs prized as a delicacy around the world are about to be shipped overseas to compete with the Russian and Iranian caviar that dominate the high-end market.

It’s a thought that brings a smile to Fumiho Hamanaka, 71, the proud owner of 5,000 white sturgeon that can take at least eight years to reach maturity at almost 5 feet long. Hamanaka has just driven two hours across a snow-covered valley with two fish that will be slaughtered in Miyazaki prefecture for their eggs, which can fetch as much as 1,000 yen ($8.28) a gram. The larger fish yielded 3.5 kilograms of caviar, or 50 percent more than normal, as well as some fish fillets that will cost more on dinner plates than most beef.

Read the full story at Bloomberg Business >>

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