While much of the media can’t resist the issue-free catnip of the electoral horserace, Trump’s outrages, Hillary’s emails and now an ex-Congressman’s harmless (except to his marriage) de-sexed kink, the best available science tells us the life support system for our planet, the Ocean, is at risk of collapse. Luckily Hillary Clinton has laid out a modest but promising plan. 

 In response to a letter sent by 115 Ocean Leaders to the leading presidential candidates Secretary Clinton has released a two-page response on what she will do to protect our coast and ocean if elected. With just over two months until the vote, this marks the first time in the campaign where a major candidate has addressed the daunting issues confronting America’s public seas.

“As President of the Untied States, I will work to redouble national efforts to boost the “blue economy,” creating jobs and opportunity in industries that restore and protect the health and vitality of our oceans,” she writes.

She warns that, “Climate change, pollution, over-development, overfishing, and other stressors are taking a massive toll. In many regions, the cumulative impacts of these stresses are changing entire ecosystems,” citing coral bleaching on Australia’s Great Barrier Reef and toxic algal blooms off Florida as two examples.

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