A coalition of conservation groups seeking aquaculture reform is praising a decision by the British Columbia provincial government to delay issuing new or expanded tenures for net-cage salmon farms in the Discovery Islands until at least 30 September 2020.

The delay comes from the recommendation of the Cohen inquiry, which looked into the decline of Fraser River sockeye salmon. The group, Coastal Alliance for Aquaculture Reform (CAAR), said in a statement that the group hopes the federal Canadian government will follow British Columbia's example.

"This is a step in the right direction and we're pleased that the province is taking the Cohen report seriously," said Ruby Berry of the Georgia Strait Alliance, one of CAAR's member organizations. "It is a recognition that the open net-cage salmon operations pose a risk to the wild salmon passing by and that at the very least the burden should not be increased."

Read the full story at Seafood Source>>

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