HIGHLANDS, N.J. (AP) - Researchers gathered enough data to learn that an oyster-restoration program wrecked by Superstorm Sandy will work, and they now have more than $16,000 from the Dave Matthews Band to help re-establish the research on a Navy pier.

The band, through its Bama Works Fund, gave the grant to the NY/NJ Baykeeper group, which will use it to rebuild and relocate an aquaculture building that was destroyed by the storm.

Meredith Comi, director of Baykeeper's pilot project at the Earle Naval Weapons Station, said many nets holding the oysters were ripped from the pier during the storm.

"It's a shame that what we had out there was damaged, but we really got what we needed from them," she said. "The important thing is we know enough to move onto the next phase, and that's what we're ready to do."

Read the full story at New Jersey Herald>>

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