RALEIGH — Commercial fisherman from the coast came to Raleigh in droves Monday for a legislative hearing to oppose a bill that would seek "game fish" status for three species: speckled trout, red drum and striped bass.

There was no vote on House Bill 983, but it was an emotional public hearing that stretched on for about two and a half hours. The measure would allow these fish to be caught only by hook and line and would prohibit sales. Restaurant owners that sell seafood also came out in opposition to the bill, concerned that seafood lovers would lose access to their beloved dishes.

Some commercial fisherman said these species account for roughly 30 to 40 percent of their income, sometimes up to 90 percent.

Rep. Tom Murry, R-Wake, the bill's sponsor, said the primary reason for the hearing was to engage fisherman in this legislation and strike a compromise. It would include a fund for commercial fishermen who lose money from the change.

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