Fish sticks made way for a different sea bounty at schools throughout the Seacoast on Wednesday, Dec. 11, when locally caught Acadian redfish was prepared and served in the cafeteria.

Oyster River High School was one nine schools involved in the "Fish to School" project. Doris Demers is cafeteria director for the Oyster River School District, which includes Mastaway Elementary, Moharimet Elementary, and both Oyster River middle and high schools.

She has been working with local farms over the last two years to establish a Farm to School program, where local produce is served as a part of the school lunch program. Demers was excited by the opportunity to include locally sourced fish.

"We serve a ton of local food, but this is our first Fish to School," she said. "I am a fish lover and to be in New England, on the Seacoast, and not serve real fish just seems wrong."

Read the full story at the Portsmouth Herald>>

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