As the deadline nears for Gulf of Mexico shrimpers, processors and others
to respond to federal government questions about the effects of shrimp
imports on the local industry, foreign governments are fighting the newly
proposed regulations, according to various foreign newspapers. The
Business Standard, an English-language daily newspaper in India, reports
that, "India's seafood export industry is facing a serious threat."
The Coalition of Gulf Shrimp Industries on Dec. 28 filed petitions seeking
"countervailing duties" -- duties imposed to offset subsidies by foreign
governments -- on shrimp from China, Ecuador, India, Indonesia, Malaysia,
Thailand and Vietnam. The coalition states that the duties are needed "to
offset the unfair trade advantage currently held by these countries."

The Indian newspaper writes that the U.S. is the largest importer of
Indian seafood and that "If Washington imposes (the countervailing duties)
on imports, India's seafood exports industry will be in deep crisis."

Read the full story at Times-Picayune>>

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