The oyster beds that produce those plump Louisiana oysters so many of us love are in danger. That’s what local oyster industry insiders are saying, and they’re putting the blame on the state’s plans for coastal restoration. WGNO News Anchor Vanessa Bolano has the details.


“The oyster industry has been here since the early 1800′s, the commercial industry. It’s important to our culture. It’s important to our culinary tourism. We’re just trying to make sure that the state is doing all it can to see that it survives,” explains fourth generation oysterman John Tesvich, “It’s not about me and my own business right now. It’s about the future, and for future generations.”


Tesvich, who is also on the chairman of the Louisiana Oyster Task Force, says this is the worst oyster season on record. He attributes that to the BP oil spill, but says a move by the state to fight coastal erosion will make matters worse.


Read the full story at WGNO-TV>>

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