Seafood employs more people in Southcentral than mining in the entire state, pays out more in Anchorage than construction, and has enough management and logistics infrastructure in Anchorage to rival that of Seattle, according to a new report.

Juneau-based economics firm McDowell Group released a report on the economic impacts of the Alaska seafood industry on the Southcentral Alaska region on June 10.

The Alaska Salmon Alliance, a commercial fishermen organization, commissioned the study. Arni Thompson, the ASA executive director, said he wanted the study to combat the misconception that fishing is reserved for the more far-flung areas of the state.

“So many in the region are focused on oil, gas, mining and construction to make a living,” wrote Thompson in an email. “They completely overlook the economic significance of our hidden seafood industry in Southcentral Alaska.”

Read the full story at the Alaska Journal of Commerce >>

Read more about Fishing economics >>

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