It's been a record year for commercial fishermen in Southeast Alaska, with more than 100 million salmon caught in the region for the first time ever.

Coho have returned to Southeast in the highest numbers since 1994, leading the troll fishery to almost double last year's catch. Purse seiners have topped their previous overall salmon catch record by more than 10 million. Gillnetters' top three years on record are the last three, with this year the highest. Pink salmon have also returned to Southeast in record numbers, trollers have caught more chum than they have since statehood, and the season isn't over yet.

"Southeast as a whole has had a very strong salmon season," said Pattie Skannes, troll management biologist for the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. "It's been a particularly great year for all except Chinook."

Read the full story at Juneau Empire>>

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