At the Alaska Miners Association convention, we strive to identify ways to promote greater understanding of Alaska’s miners and mining industry. We kick off each convention with short courses about technical issues facing the industry, thereby sharing how we approach mining and meeting environmental regulations across our membership.

We recently reached out to our colleagues in the fishing industry to engage in a day of shared presentations to build bridges between these two important industries. For our fishing colleagues, we hope to share how the mining community operates and the safeguards the industry embraces. We also hope to learn from our fishing colleagues the issues and concerns they have.

Miners and fishermen have come to recognize that we face many common issues impacting both of our industries, such as ramifications from certain environmental groups petitioning for unwarranted Endangered Species Act listings and implications of regulations administered by federal agencies that don’t understand the unique challenges facing Alaska.

We know we must find better ways to coexist because miners like to eat fish, and fishermen need metals to harvest fish.

Read the full story at Alaska Dispatch >>

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