Alaska's statewide commercial fishing trade association has hired Julianne Curry as its Executive Director. Curry, who participates in longline fisheries, has worked for UFA member group Petersburg Vessel Owners Association for six years. The UFA board selected Ms. Curry at its annual fall meeting in Anchorage. Curry had served on the UFA Executive Committee as UFA Subsistence Chair for 5 years and most recently as UFA's PR/Membership chair. Curry will be based in Juneau for the legislative sessions and will begin the position on January 1, 2013.

"I am excited and honored for the privilege of representing UFA. The fishing industry is one of Alaska's primary economic drivers and employs thousands of individuals throughout the State. I am looking forward to helping UFA promote the fishing industry and provide a voice for Alaska's largest private sector employer," said Curry.

Curry succeeds Mark Vinsel, who has served in the executive position since 2004 after three years as UFA office manager and will transition back to an administrative role.

"Julianne brought fresh energy when she first joined the UFA board in 2006 and has been very active on the board and Executive Committee. She can hit the ground running with her broad knowledge of the wide ranging issues that are within UFA's mission to promote and protect the common interests of Alaska's commercial fishing industry. I look forward to supporting Julianne and UFA in an administrative role, to help keep fishermen in business," said Vinsel.

Read the full story at the Anchorage Daily News>>

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