A new study says levels of toxins responsible for paralytic shellfish poisoning are well above the Food and Drug Administration’s limit in the Haines area. One researcher says further testing of commercial crab and shrimp from the area could kill the region’s fisheries.

Bruce Wright, a senior scientist with the Aleutian Pribilof Islands Association, said the PSP situation has been dire in Alaska for years, but the new findings suggest it’s getting worse. Wright said levels of the toxin that causes PSP are higher and more prevalent than ever before.

According to the study, samples were collected in May and June of this year in Chilkoot Inlet, Taiyasanka Harbor and Viking Cove. All species tested exceeded the FDA limit of 80 micrograms, per 100 grams. Dungeness crab from Taiyasanka Harbor tested the highest for PSP at 810 µg/100g.

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