ANCHORAGE — The Alaska Board of Fisheries ended its 14-day Upper Cook Inlet meeting Thursday afternoon by undoing all the changes it made earlier to the Northern District Salmon Management Plan. The earlier changes would have created paired restrictions between the sport fishery and the Northern District commercial setnet fishery. Plan revisions were eliminated in a split board vote.


An attempt to undo changes made to the Late-Run Kenai King Salmon Management Plan failed on a split vote of the board as a last action before the board adjourned. Changes made to the Central District Drift Gillnet Fishery Management Plan were left untouched.


In other board actions taken earlier in the meeting, Sheep Creek king salmon were added to the list of stock-of-concern fish in the Northern District. This raises the count to eight stocks of concern in the Northern District. The Susitna-Yentna sockeye salmon were continued as a stock of concern. This means the Northern District now has eight of the 12 salmon stocks of concern statewide.


Read the full story at Mat-Su Valley Frontiersman>>

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