SEAFOODNEWS.COM By Peggy Parker — June 25, 2015 — Alaska’s Governor Walker urged “fairness” from the Marine Stewardship Council in the certification of Alaska salmon, in a letter sent to MSC executive Rupert Howes.

“It is my understanding that the mediation attempt by the parties has failed,” Walker wrote, “and few options remain. The commercial harvest of Alaska salmon is well underway, adding a sense of urgency.

“It is extremely difficult for the State to apply financial resources, working with the assessment team, and a compliance audit team, if the resulting certificate is denied to 75 percent or more of the resulting participants.

“This is an issue of fairness for fishermen and coastal communities in Alaska, even for Alaska herself.”

Howes responded on June 18, characterizing the problem, as the non-profit group has in the past, as “a  commercial negotiation between the two parties.”

Read the full story at Saving Seafood>>

Read more about Alaska salmon>>

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