In North America, there are five major species of wild Pacific salmon, including keta, pink, silver, king, and sockeye. We wanted to share some of the purse seiners, gillnetters, trollers, and set netters harvesting these wild species.

The peak season for salmon fishing occurs from May through September, and these are some of the Crew Shots commercial fishermen have shared with us over the years.

Share new moments on the water with us and submit your best crew photos here:

Amelia Motz, Meredith Cooke, Patrick Miller, and Savanna Summers are going broke with 18-cent humpies but having fun doing it on the F/V Centurion in PWS. Photo submitted by Megan Corazza.

Set net in Naknek, Alaska. Photo submitted by Courtney Stage

The setnet crew pauses bailing their skiff by repurposing them as hats while they show off a couple of salmon. Uganik Bay, Kodiak, AK. Photo submitted by Suzanne Abraham

Zephrie Whitethorn, Stone Morgan, Jaren Whitethorn on dirt cheap deckloads, 2023 Southeast Alaska. Photo submitted by Zephrie Whithorn

Skipper Schumejda. Age 15. Onboard f/v Cori Ann. Deckhanding for his dad, Lew. Deck load of chum salmon. Salmon Trolling. Sitka, Alaska. August 2022. Last set July 2011 and November 2012. Photo submitted by Lew Schumejda

Jordi Parsons holding a chum salmon before collecting fishery data. Photo submitted by Kwasi Addae

Deck load. Photo submitted by Kai Papoi

Break before bleeding. Photo submitted by Frederick Crothamel

The F/V Jerry G crew, Kip Crew, Marco Ramirez, and Cale Peth delivered a deck load of sockeye in Bristol Bay. At just over 50,000 lbs, this was the largest single delivery in Bay history. Chad Studebaker submitted the photo.

Deck load, Bristol Bay, 2022. Photo submitted by Casey Coupchiak

One of the larger kings held by Katie Gill landed on a Washington troll opener aboard the F/V Kae Le Belle. Photo submitted by Joe Salvey

Claire Sutton was helping on her dad’s seiner in Prince William Sound. Photo submitted by Rachel Sutton

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Carli is a Content Specialist for National Fisherman. She comes from a fourth-generation fishing family off the coast of Maine. Her background consists of growing her own business within the marine community. She resides on one of the islands off the coast of Maine while also supporting the lobster community she grew up in.

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