A crew of three onboard the F/V Jeannie II reportedly suffered an engine failure in rough weather off the coast of California on Sunday afternoon, Jan. 17, shortly after 2 p.m.

Loaded with Dungeness pots on deck and drifting into the surf toward shore, the crew made a call to the Coast Guard Station Humboldt Bay. Watchstanders responded by dispatching a helicopter and 47-foot response boat.

A rescue swimmer launched from the helicopter to help the crew evacuate the vessel in distress. All three crew members were hoisted safely to the helicopter and brought to shore with no reported injuries.

Following a series of delays and now facing rough weather and rumors of meek hauls, California's Dungeness fleet is off to a rough start in a string of difficult seasons.

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Jessica Hathaway is the former editor in chief of National Fisherman.

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