When you pull over Baycrest Hill and catch a glimpse of the Spit, it almost looks like a hook dangling in the gaping mouth of Kachemak Bay.
And then you pass the sign proclaiming Homer to be the “Halibut Fishing Capital of the World.” Last year, 2.8 million pounds of halibut came over the Homer dock. That was 18 percent of total commercial halibut landings in the United States, and the most poundage of any Alaska port.
Which makes the Homer dock a busy place.
Alaska Custom Seafoods, Auction Block, Carroll Corporation, Fish Factory, Icicle Seafoods, Snug Harbor and about a dozen other companies move and buy fish off the docks. Most of the halibut that comes off the dock is sent out of state, mainly to Vancouver, where it’s processed and shipped all over the world. A tiny fraction of it stays right on the Spit — landing on a dinner plate near you. Here are the people involved in bringing one meal to the table.
Read the full story at the Homer News>>
Read more about Alaska halibut>>