SEABROOK — Fishery disaster relief money from the federal government gives New Hampshire more than $1.1 million, some for local fishermen and the Yankee Co-op to address financial damage done by years of fishing restrictions.

According to a notice sent out by Gov. Maggie Hassan recently, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration released $2.3 million in fishery disaster funds to New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Maine.

According to Seabrook Yankee Fisherman's Cooperative manager Peter Kendall, the Granite State's portion of that is $1,136,400, with $267,200 headed to the Co-op for much-needed equipment and repairs.

"The money for this was distributed based on the level of impact the fishing regulations of the past few years had on the states' fishing industries," Kendall said yesterday. "New Hampshire was impacted very hard, among the worst."

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