The Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADFG) has announced that the Prince William Sound (PWS) sablefish season will open in conjunction with the Pacific halibut and sablefish Individual Fishing Quota (IFQ) season. The 2024 guideline harvest level for PWS sablefish has been set at 264,000 pounds.

Fishermen intending to participate in the PWS sablefish fishery must register by 5:00 p.m. on Feb. 20. Following the registration deadline, ADFG will release an advisory announcement detailing quota allocations by permit type.

The PWS sablefish fishery is managed separately from the IFQ system, with the guideline harvest level established annually based on stock assessments and sustainability considerations. Aligning the PWS opening with the IFQ season allows for coordinated management of Alaska’s sablefish resources, ADFG said.

More information on the registration process and regulatory requirements can be found on the ADFG website or by contacting the department directly.

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