Yes, soup for you.


And anyone else with a hankering for homemade, Gloucester-style redfish soup. The soup is courtesy of a coalition of public and private interests that have banded together to elevate the city’s profile — both as a place to live and do business — at the upcoming Seafood Expo of North America in Boston.


The show, the largest in North America, draws thousands of seafood companies, seafood buyers, processors and exhibitors from around the globe. It is scheduled to run from Sunday through Tuesday at the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center.


For the first time in more than two decades, Gloucester will have a tangible presence at the show — booth No. 3067 if you’re scoring at home — and will extend its reach even further by hosting two groups of international seafoodians for tours of the city and its seafood industry.


Read the full story at the Gloucester Daily Times>>


Want to read more about the Boston Seafood Expo? Click here...

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