Located on the property of H.A. Burnham Boat Building and Design sits a standard-size lobster trap, a fairly common sight on Cape Ann.

A few feet to the left of that trap stands a less common sight: The lobster trap’s much larger cousin, a frame that is four times the size of the standard, wooden lobster trap. While construction on what will eventually be a lobster trap that measures 12 feet long, six feet high and nine feet deep is still in the early stages, simply seeing the item up close with the smaller trap right next to it allows the mind to fill in the blanks as to what this project will be within a matter of weeks.

It’s a cold evening in January and boatbuilder Howard Burnham is working with Bruce Slifer on the project as the sun sets and the temperature descends into the single digits. When asked what the goal of the project will be once it’s completed and moved from Essex to Maritime Gloucester, Burnham grins from ear to ear and states, “We’re hoping to capture an underutilized species.”

Read the full story at Wicked Local Essex>>

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