President Donald Trump signed a memorandum on June 24 to support the lobster industry, following conversations that started with the roundtable discussion in Maine on June 5.

"It's a promise made, promise delivered," said John Horstman, director of media affairs and special assistant to the president.

[Editor's note: This story has been updated to correct the action taken. Prior to publication, sources named the declaration an executive order, but it was a memorandum.

A memorandum can be changed by an executive order, but an executive order is given the rule of law and is published in the Federal Register.]

Though details are still developing, the memo is expected to give the lobster industry the same assistance farmers received as a result of the retaliatory tariffs coming from China.

The president has also pledged to monitor the phase one trade agreement with China, which includes China's commitment to buy $150 million in products from the U.S. lobster industry.

The memo also commits to a closer look at the trade disparities that have developed between Canada, Europe and the United States regarding lobster exports.

This story has been updated in a new post.

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Jessica Hathaway is the former editor in chief of National Fisherman.

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