ST. MICHAELS — The first of three panel discussions entitled “The State of the Crab” took place on Sunday at the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum.


The focus of the first panel discussion was primarily the cultural and social dynamics of the crabbing industry, as well as the history of harvesting and industry regulations. Nearly 25 attendees took advantage of the opportunity to learn more about where the Chesapeake Bay blue crab population stands.


Michael Buckley, 103.1 WRNR’s host of The Sunday Brunch and Voices of the Chesapeake Bay, and Washington College professor of oral histories at the C.V. Starr Center moderated the program.


Three panelists were invited to participate in the first discussion. Brenda K. Davis has been the Blue Crab Program manager with the Department of Natural Resources for the past five years. Her department is responsible for monitoring the life cycle of the blue crab.


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