BATON ROUGE — Lt. Gov. Jay Dardenne asked the Louisiana seafood promotion board Wednesday to draw up a strategic plan and said he'll seek an audit of its finances as he assumes oversight of its operations.

Lawmakers shifted the new responsibility to Dardenne in the recently ended legislative session, as part of an effort to strengthen supervision of a 14-member board that has received millions in recovery money from the 2010 Gulf Coast oil spill.

Although Dardenne said he didn't seek the new responsibility or push the legislation, he said the Louisiana Seafood Promotion and Marketing Board will dovetail into his office, which is charged with Louisiana's tourism marketing.

"I think it is a nice fit," he said. "There is no question in my mind that this is a marriage that is going to work, that's going to be very successful for your industry and very successful for the state of Louisiana."

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