Kelly Kirk is the third generation at Kirk Fish Company, a family business that dates back seven to eight decades. Though she’s just 32 years old, she has a knowledge of the stone crabbing industry that belies her youth. She sees some positive signs for this season.

"My grandfather started Kirk Fish Company in the late 1940s, early 1950s, we’re not exactly sure when,” Kelly Kirk said. "My dad grew up here on the docks. I grew up here on the docks. It’s been in the family since then. The season seems to be starting out decent. It’s so hard to tell this early on. It usually takes a solid two weeks before we can judge what the season will look like and what the catch will be. But from what I’m hearing from the crabbers locally, and up and down the coast, the crabs are healthy, they’re strong. I’m optimistic that it’s going to be a strong season."

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