Direct sales has been a slow-growing trend among commercial fishermen for many years, but we all watched as the pandemic gave this small-scale approach a shot in the arm.

We all watched as restaurants shut down and traditional supply chains froze up, along with the continued slowdown in global trade. But on the other end, consumer demand for local food spiked.

As part of our continuing Expo Online series, NF will host a webinar centering insights on consumer buying trends and cultivating a marketplace to support independent fishermen and a more resilient seafood supply chain.

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Join us as we get an update from national and regional direct marketing experts, including:

Linda Behnken, executive director of the Alaska Longline Fishermen’s Association, longline and troll fisherman, and founder of Alaskans Own community supported fishery;

Joshua Stoll, assistant professor of Marine Policy at the University of Maine;

Pete Granger, reef net fisherman and Local Catch Executive Committee member; and

Matt Aboussie, Bristol Bay (Alaska) fisherman and PR consultant with Rising Tide Communications.

Catch this webinar live on Thursday, Dec. 17, from 4-5 p.m. Eastern/1-2 Pacific.

Sign up today, and you'll get full access to the live broadcast, an opportunity to ask questions of our panel experts, as well as a recording of the event.

Register here >>

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Jessica Hathaway is the former editor in chief of National Fisherman.

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